Monday, April 28, 2008

Travelling to United States of America (USA) – Tips, Insurance and Online!

It is a vacation time and also a good time to travel to United Stated for business. Soon, students will also start preparing to arrive in the land of opportunities for their academic pursuits.

America is a great country but one thing will hit you first, from the time of landing, that she is a true capitalist economy. Some thing which we take for granted i.e. cart to carry luggage at the airport. Well you may end up paying US 2-3 dollars for the cart, depending upon which airport you are landing. Of Course the Airports are clean and elegant. The Visa Officer will smile at you and will welcome you to United States but soon you will realize that you will be spending money on every thing, perhaps except for water and restrooms. No sooner you are out of the airport and if you are lucky, you will be greeted by your family members / office colleague, so you may get a free ride home. But if you are like us, when we arrived in USA, we had to do every thing on our own. Hunting for a cab to a grocery store, to a Medicine shop. Now you have to do every thing on your own, so what you were rich and famous in your native country. Welcome to America. Welcome to Self Help world. Welcome to the country where there is ‘No Free Lunch’ well, for almost every thing. Cheers and welcome to the most advanced country on planet earth!

Sure, we all have image and impression of America. What our friends have told, what we have seen in Hollywood movies, growing up watching. For students coming for under-grad or graduate studies (F1 / J1), they adapt well into the American culture. For workers coming on H1B or L1 Visa, they also kind of settle fast well as they have peer groups to take care of initial needs. I am sure, for rest of the population coming to America, experiences a big shock, some time quite intimidating. Well, I would avoid general statement here but would seriously recommend the following to carry or do before landing into America or soon after landing here.

1. House Search: Google a couple of options and you may get a house of your choice in your budget
2. Social Security Number (SSN): Once you are sure of your address, be it office or stay, immediately apply for Social Security Number. Your local SSN office could be searched through Google
3. Mobile Phone: Based on your Visa status, you can get your mobile phone immediately. Remember, for better post paid plan, it is good to have SSN. Go for GSM phones as CDMA phones will not deliver your SMS to your native country, where network is based on GSM. AT&T and T-Mobile are good mobile options in America.
4. Grocery Store: Hunt your nearest grocery store. They are your life line. You will get tired eating Pasta / Pizza and Burger. Home food will give smile on your face for sure.
5. Driving License: Indeed, carry your International Driving License. It will help you drive till you get your USA Driving License. Some states like NJ will not ask you to go for driving test if you have a valid International License from your country, say India.
6. Bank Account and Credit Card: This should also be done within first week of arrival in United States. Based on your passport, bank will open a Checking or Savings account. Start with checking account. If you have dealt with Citi or HSBC banks in your host country, then you may get your Credit Card also fast, so carry your past credit card statements. To get a Credit Card is a big challenge in America. Without a Credit Card, you will not be able to build a credit history and without your credit history, you will not get a Credit Card in USA. It is like ‘an egg or chicken’ situation, which every immigrant to America face.

Well, if you have done these 6 things in your first 15 days of your arrival, then you are kind of ready to roll and explore new America. It is a process driven country hence you will never face problems in getting things done that is within the Policy Framework.

However, it is important for me to high-light that 6 steps mentioned above will not be required, should you be coming to United States for a short trip or for meeting your relatives on B1-B2 Visa. I am sure, your friends and relatives will take care most of your needs. But it is pertinent to share with you that one thing you must carry before entering United States i.e. Your Health Insurance Policy.

What ever your age or back-ground (student / Tourists or Professionals), coming to United Stated without adequate Travel Medical Health Insurance is like going to Mount Everest without Oxygen. America is a clean county with very high-end of medical advancements but it is extremely expensive county for any kind of health related treatment. Unlike your native country (say India), where Doctors could be available on a phone call, in America that is not possible. Since medical expenses are high, you may not be in position to bear the cost, should you fall sick. Trust me, even your family members, however close they are (even if they are doctors) will not be able to help you or bear your medical cost, should you fall sick.

Consider this

For a trip to a doc for a normal check-up, (of course after appointment perhaps next week), you may spend over USD 300/-. Unlike India, most of the critical drugs are available through Prescription only, which means you will have to visit a doctor to get that small piece of Prescription to get your medicine. Again the drugs are very-very expensive. God forbid, should you need to be taken to emergency room, you may get a bill of USD 3000/- plus for say 2 hrs of stay there. Incase, you need to be hospitalized then God only knows what will be the bill. It could be as high as USD 10,000/-. Can you really afford that?

I know, a lot of people tell me that one is fit and fine. I am going to States for 10 days only, so why do I need to carry a Medical Insurance with me? Well, matter of fact is that USA weather can change 3 times in a day. It is sunny now, but could start raining in the afternoon or you may witness wind speed never experienced in your life before. Please understand that America has extreme weather across 50 states vis-à-vis your native country. So, even if you are fit and resourceful, you are strongly advised to carry a Travel Medical Insurance before coming to this beautiful country. Change of weather could impact your health without warning and trust me you would not want to fall sick here.

Your Heath Insurance options

Fortunately, now you have many options to choose from to get a decent travel insurance policy for United States. Incase you are coming from India then you may want to check-out Bajaj Allianz / Tata-AIG / ICICI Lombard. Or if you don’t want to waste your time searching all insurance company website for a good plan then an easier way is to compare and buy your choice policy from India InsuranceMall (Click Travel).

Incase, you are going to stay long in United States, say 60 days plus, then I would recommend you American Global Health Plans. They are perfect for students, H1 workers and old visitors above age 65. You could compare, buy and print your choice policy from USA InsuranceMall (Click Visitor).

Here is a 6 point quick summary on virtues of taking Health Insurance for America

1. Medical cost in America is very steep. Let Insurance Company bare that risk not you.
2. Doctors are not available on call. In the emergencies your Insurance Company could help
3. American Emergency Rooms are available for all on 24X7, but post treatment bill could be unbearable for you or your loved ones. Focus on trip than on paying bills.
4. Very few medicines are OTC (over the counter) in America, so you will need a doctor for prescription drugs. They are expensive.
5. For J1 / F1 and H1 Visa holders, it is mandatory to have Health Insurance in USA
6. Your Indian Overseas Travel or American Global Health Insurance is available online at InsuranceMall

I am sure if you are prepared for your journey then trip to United States will be a memorable one. It is an amazing country. People are friendly and wealth all around, will sure impress you. Do visit USA as she is worth visiting once in a life time. Just prepare a bit before arriving here.

Buy Insurance. Stay Safe.


Manish Jaiswal


InsuranceMall I Opener

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hillary won – So, what is the big-deal?

So what, Hillary won yesterday in Pennsylvania, another battle ground state, despite all odds with margins defying Political Pundits?

She was to win, because she is ‘Clinton’ – a national leader who spent childhood at Penn State. She was to win big, say by whopping 30% margin but closed only at 10% margin in this huge state. Hmmm! What an argument?

Does it matter really that Hillary won, a State which is a true representative of America in terms of demographics? Does it matter to get only 215 thousand additional votes against rich and popular Barack Obama?

Well, if I have to report and write exactly in same stereo type fashion as being adopted by CNN or MSCNBC for last 90 days, then it does not matter. Hillary is still way behind, thus she should just quit because famous anchors of CNN / MSCNBC Wolf Blitzer (Situation Room) / Keith Olbermann (Countdown) says so. Have you seen their program of-late? Do find time to watch it. They and their guest will convince you why Hillary should quit on a yesterday basis as practically CNN and MSCNBC has become the quasi mouth-piece of Obama campaign.

But, I would like to change the course and attention on few facts on ground, which is true from day one, in this democratic primary race between Hillary R. Clinton and Barack Obama.

First thing first, a new comer in national politics, with no credible tested Senate or Service back-ground (other than Chicago), Mr Obama has done a terrific job. Go to any place in America, be it universities, mall, high-end restaurants or intellectual clubs, you will not miss the presence of Mr Obama in discussions. He is charismatic, he is great looking and he speaks well. Wow, we have a new messiah for all good things and hopes for America. This notion practically got reflected again by massive margin win at college and corporate crowd of Philadelphia vis-à-vis rest of the Penn State. Actually he managed to sweep over 100K votes alone in this city predominantly dominated by students, white collar and of course African Americans. Win is a win is a win – so what it is an elite win!

Hillary down on national polls, campaign contribution, media and super-delegate support, still managed to pull an impressive victory against many odds and exit polls. She proved once again, and particularly to all nay-Sayers (CNN / MSCNBC), that she understands American people and American politics. She proved the point, (like McCain -Republican nominee) that American Presidential race cant be won by throwing money or buying media or by clicking with only 1-2 groups (read African and white collar Americans) but by connecting with all i.e. Whites, Asians, Latinos, Jews, Catholics, Veterans, Immigrants and Masses.

We should not be worried with the final out-come of this race now or its impact on Democratic Party as now it is an even fight ahead. Let the best person win the nomination and serve the country.

However, I must highlight that, out of blue, surprisingly 3 set of people (working independently and without intention) deserve to be credited for her stunning victory yesterday besides Penn Governor Ed Rendell and Phil Mayor Michael Nutter. They are :

1. Sean Hannity (Hannity’s America) – Fox News
2. Lou Dobbs (Lau Dobbs tonight) – CNN
3. ABC sponsored primary debate on 16th April 2008

The above 3 actually pointed for the first time at different occasions in last 30 days that Mr Obama needs to be checked further before accepting his words and plans as Gospel Truths. For the first time in last 6 weeks, we saw a weak, human like politician as Mr Obama was not prepared to take the criticism and direct heat from media, critics and masses as Hillary or John McCain face every day.

It is surprising to see that international brands and balance news channels like CNN and MSCNBC are so against H.R. Clinton that some times you wonder what crime has she committed against these national channels, which refuse to find any virtues in her past and present work. Come on guys (Wolf B, Keith O, Anderson C), if like Fox news, you also hate your ex-president Mr Bill Clinton and cant stand him, then for heaven sake, for professional journalism, judge Hillary based on her achievement and delivery so far and not just because she is Mrs. Clinton. If America, the most progressive county in the world (with 55% population as women), is not ready for first Women President yet, then America should shop preaching about democracy across the world. Media should high-light this on a daily basis if they claim to be Free and Fare.

Before signing off, here are few questions that must be answered by all stake holders of Democratic Party:

1. Barak Obama has not won a single big State with diverse population base like New York, California, Florida, Texas, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. So, if he is chosen nominee then how could he ever compete with aggressive Republicans led by John McCain.
2. The Primary math is not in favor of Hillary Clinton. Every body knows it and talks about it. No Brainer there. So, the argument is that she should quit. But a larger strategic question is that even Mr Obama can’t get to the finish line at the end of the Primaries on his own. He will have to woo Super-delegates to achieve that. So, why this double-standard of one candidate quitting mid-way?
3. If the argument is that Super-delegates should not go against the will of people, then same argument holds true for delegates from battle-ground states to support Hillary, whole-heartedly and now as she is being the winner there.

In conclusion, I must acknowledge that indeed, it is a Big-Deal that Hillary Clinton won yesterday with convincing double digit margin at Pennsylvania. It was a Game-Changer.

Manish Jaiswal


News and Reviews

Monday, April 21, 2008

Student Insurance in India – Players, Premium and Online

It is Travel Season. Preparations are on for next Vacation soon. But at the same time, our future leaders i.e. Students are working over-time to get ready to go abroad for higher-studies.

The heartening news is that Indian Students has taken the No. 1 Immigrant position in United States, replacing Chinese for Academics Program. Whether it is Under-Grad, Graduate or Post Graduate studies, we are now sending whooping 75,000 students every year to United States. Similarly, I am aware that UK / Canada and Australia is also competing with America to woo Indian Students as the Student Business is one of the largest Foreign Exchange earners in all countries, besides cherry picking the best talent to fill their resource pool (Engineers / Doctors or Management Professionals) for future. Over-all, I guess over 150,000 students leave Indian shore to explore academic pursuits.

I have seen some interesting articles appearing on Student Insurance in the Indian media. Even more interesting is to see the ensuing debate about which has better plans? Whether buying Insurance from Indian Insurance Companies or really buying it abroad in the host Country or at University Campus. Being a licensed Insurance Broker both at India and USA, we are surely better poised to give a neutral platform for you to take an informed decision.

Before we dwell further, I wish to place some facts, which may help settle the arguments going on at various Blogs or media sites. Few Universal truths are:

Indian Travel and Student Insurance is around 30% cheaper vis-à-vis International Plans available in US / UK or Australia. So, if you are price conscious and want to pay in INR, Indian Insurance is not bad. Indian Insurance covers all basic needs, should you encounter once you are abroad for studies pleasure or business.

UK NHS Scheme is good but it is a Social Scheme. You will actually meet lot of Indian Doctors in UK and you may get treated well but since it is a Social Scheme, only emergencies are taken-up in priority. If you have Insurance, then sure you will be treated well and on priority because being a paid customer. The difference is like going to AIIMS or Apollo. Both are great Hospitals in India but I am sure, you would want to be treated at Apollo.

International Insurance from USA and UK are great as they are Cash-less and available Online. You are guaranteed for better service and claims.

You could buy Indian Insurance by paying Cash or Cheque from your Insurance Agent or Insurance Broker but International Plans has to be bought Online through Credit Card.
Since you will be abroad for atleast 2 to 4 yrs, depending on your academic schedule, you may be advised to buy International Insurance for continuity as Indian Insurance will not cover you beyond 180-365 days.

Some of the myths we encounter every season that American, Australian or Canadian Universities force you to buy Campus Insurance as a part of their academic program. This is absolutely not correct as in Western World, Insurance is regulated and only licensed agent can sell an Insurance Plan. Besides, a University or Campus main job is to provide education and not to sell Insurance. Yes, most of the colleges do act as a facilitator and their Student Body generally give directions to new students about available Insurance from participating Insurance companies in the campus. You must be warned that participating Insurance companies pay huge marketing fee to the University hence buying Insurance plans from the campus will not only be expensive but also with limited options.

So, a prudent Student would want to compare the plans Online up-front and then buy his or her choice policies. InsuranceMall could be your first stop for an informed decision on Student Insurance. Actually you may save over 30% or more at .

OK, so we now know that Student Medical Health Insurance Plans are available both in India as well as Abroad. As far as I am concerned all are great plans and your choice should depend on your needs, budget and flexibility.

Here is a quick comparison summary for your perusal. Will help you take an informed decision on your next Insurance purchase:

Tata-AIG / Apollo DKV / Star / Bajaj and ICICI all have great Student Insurance plans for upto 180 Days. You could Compare and Buy your choice policy Online from

IMG / Seven Corners / MNU have great International plans. You could Compare, Buy & Print you policies Online from

Trust this may help some of you to take an informed decision.

Manish Jaiswal

Sunday, April 20, 2008

You must take Home Insurance to Cover Theft, Fire, Flood and Earthquake risks

Besides your life, family and health, Home is the most precious asset you build and conserve. Home is always close to ones heart whether it is in mega polis or in a small town. No wonder, we spend 25-40% of our monthly income on our home sweet home, to ensure that it is in our ownership and safe at all times. But, surprisingly we mostly ignore to cover our precious home from Burglary, Flood or Earthquake that may render huge loss without warning.

Fortunately now, with the advent of New Insurance Companies, interesting and comprehensive plans are available in the market. You are welcome to compare them and buy Choice Home Insurance Policy from . If you want to cover save your home in United Sates, then this click link is your solution - – Home.

I take this opportunity to quickly give you a broad definition and features of Home Insurance in India . Also you will find an interesting comparison on various plans available in Indian market. You are the best judge to choose which Insurance plan suits your need the best.

Home insurance policy available in the Indian market covers broadly 3 things:

· Building structure
· Contents inside the home
· Value Add (Table appended)

Insurance Covers for a Building Structure are:

· The Fire and Special Perils Cover
· Earthquake Cover: Covers damages to the structure of your house due to earthquake
· Terrorism Cover: Covers damages to the structure of your house due to acts of terrorism

Insurance Cover for Contents Inside the Home:

· This cover is only for damages or loss of the contents inside the home -electronic and electrical goods, furniture and fixtures, clothing, jewelry and any other contents inside the home.

This insurance policy (also called Standard Fire and Special Perils Policy) offers protection against the risk of loss or damage due to:

· Accidental fires, lightning, explosion and implosion due to pressure vessels
· By rioting mob, striking workers, malicious acts by third parties or terrorists
· Impact damage by any Rail/road vehicle or animal by direct contact
· Aircraft and other aerial devices
· Subsidence and landslide including rock slide
· Natural calamities like storm, cyclone, typhoon, hurricane, tornado and flood
· Damages caused due to bursting or overflowing of water tanks and pipes
· House Breaking & Burglary (Forced looting)
· Earthquake

The policy pays for the actual cost of repairs, replacement or setting up of the item lost or damaged. However, claim settlements are subject to the market value of the property damaged at the time of loss upon an overall limit of the sum insured opted.
To avoid any surprise at the time of claims, you must to put-in and declare full list of property to be insured with values (Clothes, domestic appliances etc.). As people use more and more electrical gadgets in search of a luxurious lifestyle, the risk from fire accidents have increased manifold. A fire insurance policy acts as the bulwark against such potential perils.

Comprehensive Home Insurance Products – A quick comparison

Compare and BuyNow Home Insurance Online
Article Link

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Reliance Healthwise Policy

For quick link and BuyNow

Name : Reliance Healthwise Gold
Category : Regular Health Insurance/Mediclaim
Product Rating : 4.0 on 5 Stars
Service and Response Record : 2.0 on 5 Stars
Claims Record : Not measurable, as relatively new product

Product Features

  • For the first time in India, Critical Illnesses are also covered in a Health Plan

  • A separate Double Sum Insured is automatically available as soon as any of the listed critical illnesses is diagnosed.

  • 24 hours cashless facility at more than 3000 network hospitals.
  • Income Tax benefits under Section 80 D.
  • Options in duration of coverage – 1 year/2 year policies available.
  • Family Floater benefit giving comprehensive protection to your family members under one single Policy.
  • Discount on renewal premium for claim free policy.
  • Coverage of pre-existing conditions after 2 years/4 years as per plan opted.

What does this Policy cover?

Depending on the Plan opted by you, your Reliance HealthWise Policy covers:

Hospitalisation Expenses - Expenses incurred towards

  • Hospital (room, boarding and operation theatre)

  • Doctors & nurses

  • Medical tests

  • Medicines, blood, oxygen, appliances etc.

Day Care Treatment - Medical expenses towards specific technologically advanced day care treatments/surgeries where 24 hours of hospitalisation is not required.

Domiciliary Hospitalisation - All expenses related to a medical treatment, which is being administered at home, subject to specific conditions applicable.

Pre and Post Hospitalisation - Medical expenses related to your treatment before and after hospitalisation for a specified number of days.

Pre-Existing Diseases - Coverage of pre-existing diseases after two/four continuous renewals with us.

Critical Illness - Your Sum Insured is automatically doubled separately for treatment of Cancer, Coronary artery bypass surgery, First heart attack, Kidney failure, Multiple sclerosis, Major organ transplant, Stroke, Aorta graft surgery, Paralysis and Primary pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Donor Expenses - All hospitalisation expenses incurred by the Donor in case of major organ transplant are covered.

What are the value added benefits available?

Reliance HealthWise Policy offers a host of value added benefits, depending on the Plan opted by you. These include:

  • Daily Hospitalisation Allowance for a maximum period of seven days.

  • Nursing Allowance for a maximum period of five days, on recommendation of the treating Medical Practitioner.

  • Reimbursement of charges towards Local Road Ambulance Services.

  • Recovery Benefit of Rs. 10,000/- in case of hospitalisation for more than ten consecutive days.

  • Expenses of an Accompanying Person at the Hospital/Nursing Home for a maximum of five days.

  • Cost of Health Check up at the end of a block of four years, provided there were no claims reported.

What are the additional features of this Policy?

  • Family Floater - Covers your family on a floater basis applicable to a maximum of four persons comprising of you, your spouse and two dependent children under the age of 21 years. Example- If Mr. Sharma and his family choose a regular health insurance plan with Rs. 1 lakh Sum Insured each; they would have to pay individual premiums for each member of the family. In addition, the cover for each Insured member would be only up to one lakh, even if the treatment costs beyond Rs. 1 lakh. But, if they take a Policy of Rs. 3 lakhs for the entire family under a floater Plan offered by Reliance HealthWise Policy, anyone from the family can claim up to Rs. 3 lakhs.

  • Renewal Discounts - Equivalent to 5% of renewal premium, if there are no claims in the previous year.

  • Income Tax Benefit - Premium eligible for deduction under Section 80 D of the Income Tax Act.

Who are covered under the Policy?

  • Children above the age of three months and adults below the age of 65 years.

  • Children between three months and five years can be covered only if one or both the parents are covered.

  • Maximum age to enter the Plan is 65, 60 and 55 for Standard, Silver and Gold Plan respectively.

Policy Options

Choose your plan -You may choose any of the following plans

  • Reliance HealthWise Policy - Standard

  • Reliance HealthWise Policy - Silver

  • Reliance HealthWise Policy - Gold

Two-Year Policy - Continuous coverage for two years without the hassles of annually renewing your Policy.

Wide range of Sum Insured

  • Standard - 1 lakh to 5 lakhs

  • Silver - 1 lakh to 5 lakhs

  • Gold - 1 lakh to 5 lakhs

What does the Policy not cover?

some of the major exclusions under the Policy.

  • Certain ailments are not covered in the first year of the inception of the Policy. However, they are covered from the second year onwards. These are Cataract, Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, Congenital Internal Diseases, Fistula in Anus, Piles, Hysterectomy for Menorrhagia or Fibromyoma, Hernia, Sinusitis and related disorders. This exclusion will not be applicable for roll over cases and renewals.

  • Pre-existing illness will not be covered for the first two/four years, as per the Plan opted.

  • Any disease contracted during the first 30 days of inception of Policy. This exclusion will not be applicable for roll over cases and renewals.

  • Treatment of pregnancy & childbirth-related complications.

  • Suicide, self inflicted injury or illness, mental disorder, anxiety, stress or depression, use of alcohol or drugs.

  • Diseases such as HIV or AIDS.

  • Cost of spectacles, contact lenses and hearing aids.

  • Dental treatment or surgery of any kind unless requiring hospitalisation.

  • Expenses on vitamins and tonics unless forming part of treatment for disease/injury.

  • Naturopathy treatment or obesity related treatment.

  • War, terrorism and nuclear weapons induced hospitalisation.

Common Questions?

1. Why is it so cheap compared to other plans?

Every Company is free to have its own pricing philosophy.Reliance as a group has always been associated with mass selling, market share grabbing, price driven marketing tactics. This is one of them. So enjoy!

2. Though it is mentioned that Pre-existing is covered after 2 years, you say proposal would be rejected if there is mention of any pre-existing illness/condition? Is this not contradictory?

What this means is that, if the proposal is accepted, pre-existing would be covered from third year. At the same time we would clearly inform you that in 99% of cases we have observed that such proposals are rejected.

3. What is the procedure to buy Reliance Healthwise?

The following is the process, once you have placed the order through the order link:

Buying process for below Age 45 Cases:

1. We would send you the Health Cards by courier in 2 working days from the payment day. 2. There would also be enclosed a filled in form. You need to Sign the attached proposal form at 2 places and courier to it in the self addressed envelope sent along with the Health Kit. The Parcel comprises of 2 forms – one pre-filled and one blank, as back up in case you have any changes to make. 3. Kits would be activated in 2 working days from the date of receipt of the signed proposal form 4. Insurance Schedule and Income Tax Certificate will be sent within 15 working days from the day of receiving the signed proposal form

Buying process for Above Age 45 Cases:

1. Customer Care would send you a proposal form and a self addressed stamped envelope.2. You need to fill and sign the proposal form3. Submit the following Health Test Reports:3a. Blood Sugar Fasting & Post Prandial (Random Sugar Report will Not Suffice)3b. Urine Sugar Fasting & Post Prandial3c. Urine Routine Report3d. ECG with clear remarks from doctor3e. Questionnaire as attached duly filled in & signed in by doctor.
Please Note: [Any Diversions/Abnormality observed in the above Health Test reports, may reject the proposal at Reliance, as per their revised guidelines.]

4. Payment Options:

a. Payment through Secured Payment Link from where you can make the payment: b. You could also send us a cheque favoring Reliance General Insurance Co. Ltd. with the courier mentioned above.5. Post/Courier the same in the envelope provided6. Email us once you have completed Step 1 to 57. We would send you the Health Cards in 7 working days from the day the courier is received by us.8. Insurance Schedule and Income Tax Certificate will be sent within 15 working days.

Quick link and BuyNow

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hollywood Movie Review : Prime (2005)

English Movie : Prime (2005)
Director : Ben Younger
Producer : Suzanne Todd
Cast : Meryl Streep, Uma Thurman, Bryan Greenberg
Studio : Universal
Rating : 2 on 5 Stars

Prime is a very slow movie and difficult one to grasp. Also not very sure, why the title is called ‘PRIME’? Anyway, if you happen to be a big fan of Uma Thurman (Kill Bill fame) and Meryl Streep (Devil wears Prada), then you may want to venture out.

It is a movie about a 23 year old young man David (Bryan Greenberg) madly falling in love much older women Rafi (Uma Thurman), age 37, who has just divorced her husband. David finds Rafi very attractive and non-judgmental thus the fatal attraction. Rafi is a modern professional lady who works in Manhattan (NYC) in an Advertising Agency.

Writer – Director Ben Younger has skillfully demonstrated the under-currents of a young Jew male falling in love with an Older Christian lady. Jews in America (by the way, they are White and rich) are like traditional Indian society where emphasis is very much on Academics, Cast or White-collar jobs rather than Sports or Vocation as career options. Our hero in the film, David likes painting which is an odd with his elite family standing including his doctor mother. Interestingly, Meryl is Rafi’s (Uma) therapist who is helping her to come out of divorce depression. Soon she realizes that her own son has fallen in love with her patient Rafi. Naturally, a complex human drama unfolds.

Overall it is a slow and offbeat movie. Even the ending will leave you guessing. I am not very fond of such movies where one has to put too much of brains to understand what the director is trying to hint, so would be conservative here in my ratings. Thus 2 on 5 stars.

May be a better one next time.

Cheers and Best Always,

Manish K. Jaiswal


News and Reviews

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Friday, April 11, 2008

Hollywood Movie Review - Red Eye (2005)

• Film : Red Eye
• Director : Wes Craven
• Producer : Chris Bender
• Cast : Rachel McAdams, Cillian Murphy
• Studio : Dreamworks
• Rating : 4.00 on 5.00 Stars

Red Eye – WOW! A genuine and gripping thriller. It will keep you on the edge. Cillian Murphy and Rachel McAdams has delivered a fantastic performance in this Hollywood flick ‘Red Eye’. A must watch for all age group.

I am kind of building a liking for Director Wes Craven, who gives a fresh perspective in his movies. They are not based on routine or concurrent story-line but a kind of ‘HATKE’ (Hindi word for lateral).

Red Eye movie revolves around positive, friendly and gorgeous Lisa (Rachael McAdams) who is in-charge of Reservations and Guest Relations with Florida based 5 Star Hotel. She meets charming Jack (Cillian Murphy) at the Airport, on her way home. Jack is a pro Assassin working for a crime syndicate. This time his target is hawkish Home Secretary of United States who is going to stay with his family at Lisa’s hotel in Miami. Lisa would be trapped-in by Jack’s lure to achieve the objective. Will he succeed? Well for that watch the movie as it will enthrall you.

As I mentioned before, Wes Craven has done a great job as Director for this movie, but I guess he has also taken liberties at many places, which do not add up on hind side. But over all a great pick for this week-end to watch. I am happy to rate it 4 on 5 stars.


Manish K. Jaiswal
News and Reviews

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Apollo DKV Health Insurance ties up with

New Delhi, 08 April ’08: Apollo DKV, with its vision, “To provide affordable and innovative health insurance solutions to every citizen of India and become their first-choice partner in positive health”, today announced its tie-up with Bonsai Insurance Broking Pvt. Ltd., a leading Insurance Broker in the General Insurance segment for online insurance shopping through its website The tie-up would offer customers a comprehensive solution for purchasing health insurance products over the internet.

In its continuing endeavor to make healthcare accessible to the people of India, Apollo DKV’s strategic plan is to bring world-class insurance experience to consumers across India. This tie-up is yet another step towards offering unparalleled product range and value to its customers. The company plans to have a national presence across 25 cities by the second year of operations and spread to over 100 locations by 2010.

The tie-up will provide the common man with indigenously developed ‘quote-engines’ to compare, choose and buy Insurance online. The website also offers complete portfolio management (renewal auto-reminders to advisory) and claims assistance on policies purchased. The website endeavors to give the common Insurance buyer complete power of information and decision making.

Speaking on the tie-up, Mr. Chandrasekhar, CMO, Apollo DKV, said, “Apollo DKV is putting in a concerted effort at expanding the health insurance category and making it more affordable and accessible. Partnerships like this with Bonsai Insurance Broking for purchasing online Insurance reiterates our commitment towards the same and would enhance customer satisfaction.”

Commenting on the tie-up, Mr. Manish Jaiswal, CEO and MD, Bonsai Insurance Broking, said, “It is our pleasure to be associated with Apollo DKV a highly respected health insurance company from one of Asia’s leading healthcare group and a highly trusted brand in India. At Bonsai, we always provide exciting and interesting deals for our partners. Through this tie up we are looking at a fruitful association of building relationship with the loyal customers of Apollo DKV.”

About the promoters:

The Apollo Hospitals GroupApollo Hospitals group is a pioneer and leader in corporate healthcare in India and currently owns and manages 42 large tertiary care hospitals, 60 primary care clinics, and the largest retail pharmacy chain of over 600.
The other interests of the group include, wellness and disease management, holistic medicine, clinical research, Medical BPO, IT in health care, Medical and paramedical education and third party administration of health insurance.
Apollo Health City, Hyderabad the first functional health city in Asia, truly represents the integrated nature of the group housing under one roof.

The uniqueness of the Apollo hospitals is in uniting the exceptional clinical success rates and superior technology to match the best in the West with centuries-old traditions of Eastern care and warmth. The hospitals in the group have treated over 14 million patients from 55 countries.
Apollo Hospitals being the country’s largest provider network has excellent relations with all the insurers in India, currently underwriting health insurance and will continue its good relations with all the insurance companies as a provider of care.

DKV is the European market leader and one of the world’s top five private health insurers. In 2006 the company reached a gross premium income of € 5bn with 7.3 million customers. With its Think Healthcare!® strategy DKV provides insurance coverage, healthcare services and medical care from one single source. DKV is represented across Europe (Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain, Sweden) as well as in Asia, i.e. China, South Korea and India. DKV’s headquarters are based in Cologne, Germany. The company is a member of the ERGO Insurance Group and thus part of the Munich Re Group, one of the world’s largest reinsurer. Further Information at

About Bonsai International Group:

Bonsai, founded in 2004 is an integrated full service financial services group of companies into Insurance Broking and Money Changing. The website is part of Bonsai’s vision to provide customers with tech-leveraged innovative solutions. Headquartered at Mumbai and offices in Bangalore and New Jersey-USA, Bonsai has served over 200000 customers in the last two years through the offline medium. More information at

About launched in June 2007 by Bonsai Insurance Broking Pvt. Ltd., is India’s First Neutral Insurance Shopping Website providing complete Insurance solutions claims assistance. The website endeavors to give the common Insurance buyer complete power of information and decision making while shopping for Insurance.

For more information please visit

Media Contact
Mahavir Chopra +919867594264

Monday, April 7, 2008

Health Insurance in India. Your queries answered.

1. What is a Health Cover. Pls give layman Definition for better understanding?

Check this link:

2. Why is Reliance Cheaper - quick comparison Chart Vs ICICI / Bajaj / United / Star / DKV ?

Every Company has its own way of pricing its products, as per its own internal marketing and underwriting guidelines.
Please note that although, Reliance is a cheaper product, it does not accept cases where the customer has any illness while submitting the proposal form.
Otherwise, Reliance Healthwise Gold is currently the cheapest and the best featured Health Insurance product in India. It has some really good features like Double Critical Illness cover at a very attractive price.

3. What is Individual Plan Vs Family Floater ?

A Family Floater plan is a group cover with a group limit on the cover which means the sum insured is shared amongst all members of the family.
For e.g. Mr. Kumar takes a Family floater for his family comprising of him, his wife and his daughter of Rs. 2 Lakhs.
All of the family members of Mr. Kumar can collectively claim Rs. 2 lakhs in a given year. So If Mrs. Kumar has claimed Rs. 80000 during the year, all the members [including Mrs. Kumar] can claim upto Rs. 1.20 Lakh for the remaining period.
Note: Currently Insurance Companies provide Family Floater in combination of only following members – Husband, Wife and Dependant Children generally upto age 18.

4. What is the Health Insurance buying process at InsuranceMall?

Reliance Healthwise and ICICI being an instant policy, has a different procedure
The general procedure is as follows:
- Once the customer has made an order and payment, you will get an acknowledgement of receipt of Order and Payment.
- the customer care will email/courier the relevant proposal form with self addressed stamped envelope which the customer needs to scan/courier and send it back to .
- On receipt of the proposal form, the same would be submitted to the Insurance Company for issuance of policy.
- Generally Policies would be delivered within 10 working days from receipt of the proposal form.

Procedure for Reliance Healthwise:
- Once the customer has made an order and payment, you will get an acknowledgement of receipt of Order and Payment.
- The customer care will send by courier:
i. a pre-filled proposal form
ii. inactive Health Cards
iii. Our Self Addressed Stamped Envelope

- You need to sign on the proposal form and send it back in the envelope.
- On receipt of the proposal form, the same would be submitted to the Insurance Company for issuance of policy.
- Generally Policies would be delivered within 10 working days from receipt of the proposal form.

5. Is Maternity Covered in any Plan ?

Maternity is covered under Apollo DKV Exclusive and Premium products, but with a waiting period of 4 years. So one can claim only after 4 years of renewal.

6. Is PED (Pre-Existing Disease) Covered in any Plan and when?

Pre-existing illness/disease is not covered from same year.
Most Plans cover pre-existing from the 4th year.
There are some plans which offer better but partial pre-existing cover
i) Star Health Red Carpet covers 50% pre-existing for people between 60 to 69 from the second year.
ii) ICICI Health Advantage covers pre-existing from the 3rd Year.
iii) Bajaj Silver Health – for senior citizens covers pre-existing from the 2nd Year.

7. Can I get Tax benefits for my purchase of Health Insurance from InsuranceMall?

Yes, you will get all benefits from your Health Insurance that you enjoyed earlier.
Insurance Companies will issue Income Tax Certificates for the same.

8. How is InsuranceMall different from my friendly neighborhood Agent?

- Excellent Combination: At InsuranceMall you will enjoy the combined of benefits of a system driven company and a personalized agent
i. You will not be dependant on one agent/one Company for your products. We will offer neutral advice based on your requirements.
ii. At the same time, we would strive to have one customer service executive handle your entire requirement, so that you get personalized service.
- Wider Choice: An agent/An Insurance company employee would be able to offer you limited no. of products from limited no. of companies. We don’t have any such limitation.
- Speedy Service: We estimate our delivery and response to be atleast 30% more than any agent/Insurance Co. Check it out for yourself.
- Top-end Online Management:A proprietary host of online services likeTrack your Policy : All your policies bought online would be available for any-time download.Manage your Policy: Upload your existing policies and get your complete portfolio analyzed instantly.

9. Will it not be good that I buy directly from Insurance Company rather buying online at InsuranceMall?
Every Insurance Company has a basket of good and not-so-good products. We help you buy the good products from each basket. We provide you with one stop solutions across all Companies and products.
You may buy your policies from different companies, but it would be difficult to manage contact, records and claims for so many different companies, compared to a FREE solution at hand called

10. Will I get discount if I buy from InsuranceMall?

We don’t believe in discounting, but savings. We have easily provided more than 20% of savings to customers through our unique quote engines.

11. Will InsuranceMall assist in case of Claims?

Generally claims need to go through the normal route/infrastructure offered by the Insurance Company. In case you are not getting satisfactory response for the claim within 24 hours of registering the same, you can get in touch with us. We would try our best to offer you the best of our assistance.

12. I don’t like Policy I purchased. Can I cancel it now?

Policies do have a cancellation clause. You need to go through the policy wordings or contact our customer care at with your specific policy bought.

13. Can I pay for my Health Insurance renewal premium purchased from an Agent through InsuranceMall secured payment gateway?

No you can’t pay for policies that have been bought from another agent as of yet. At InsuranceMall, you can order for fresh policies [or] pay renewal premium for policies originally bought at

14. If I buy the policy from InsuranceMall, how quickly I get the Physical Policy in hand?

Whenever you have decided on buying a product, you can click on the Policy Details button next to the logo. The last lines of the policy details provide for the no. of days it would take for the policy to be delivered.

The general time it takes for activation of policies/cover note:
1. Health Insurance 5-10 working days depending upon company
2. Personal Accident 10 working days
3. Critical Illness 10 working days
4. Travel Insurance 3 working hours
5. Car Insurance 8 working hours
6. Life Insurance 15 working days

15. Where are offices of InsuranceMall with Phone Number? Online Operation is based out Mumbai HQ. All policies are processed from here. Our numbers are 02230503050 OR 02267242424. We have physical offices at Bangalore and New Jersey (USA) too.

16. I see your rates quoted on InsuranceMall is different from my Agent. Why? updates rates on a weekly basis, so chances of wrong rates are very low. In an unlikely event, though it is a distant possibility, in case our rates our found to be incorrect
- if the rate is higher, we will refund you the excess premium
- if the rate is lower, we will absorb the shortage, and you don’t have to pay a thing.

On you finding an error on our website, we offer a 5% coupon which can be used for you next purchase at .

17. I want to take Health Insurance for my Family? What is the best Health plan you suggest?

If your age is less than 45 and no Pre-existing Illness – Reliance
If your age is between 45 and 60 – Apollo DKV
If your age is more than 60 – You need to go for individual covers

18. I want to take an Individual Policy. What is the best Health Plan you suggest and why?

We recommend Reliance in case you are looking for a good price-feature combination.
We recommend Bajaj Allianz in case you are looking for a good Claims Track Record.

19. I want some one to come to my home and explain me the Insurance Policy. Will InsuranceMall do that?

InsuranceMall has developed Do-it-Yourself infrastructure, so that you can compare and buy yourself, with minimum help from Chat, Emails and Phone Calls with our Customer Care.
Our current set-up does now allow experts to come to your home to explain.

20. I want a Group Health Insurance (Mediclaim) for my Office. Can you help?

Of course, we can help. , powered by Bonsai Insurance Broking Pvt. Ltd. is a multi-pronged, full service Insurance super mall.
We cater to large corporate customers ranging from Godrej, 3G, EsselGroup, Aditya Birla Group, Systime etc. Pls email your queries to our Principal Officer Mr Niraj Jain at or call him at +91 9820255292.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Hollywood Film Review - There is something about Mary (1998)

• Film : There is something about Mary (TSAM)
• Producer : Frank Beddir
• Director : Peter Farrelly
• Cast : Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillion, Ben Stiller, Lee Evans
• Rating : 3.5 on 5 Stars

There is something about Mary (TSAM) – I know lot of critics will not agree with me, but I guess it is an over-rated movie. Well, I am not saying it is a bad movie, but sure it is not one the greatest comedy movie of all time, as suggested in many forums.

TSAM is a soft movie, a kind of Bollywood style of 3-in-1 love triangle with Cameron Diaz and Ben Stiller in the lead role.

Cameron is ‘the Mary’ with young look and fresh smile, who is kind of a hot girl in the college campus. Ben is an ordinary looking guy who like all in college wants to go to the Prom with beautiful Mary. Well he succeeds to lose her quickly on his first date only. Time flies. Even after 13 years, Ben carries his crush for Mary and wish to connect with her. The quest to find her puts Ben into direct conflict or should I say competition with 2 more people, who are equally aggressive to win over Mary.

One of the reasons why I say it is an over rated movie because story sequence does not add-up. Cameron Diaz, our Mary is trying to be too charming. Yea, I must admit Ben has done a good job in this movie.

Who knows, you may like it, but I would refrain to rate it more than 3.5 on 5 Stars


Manish Jaiswal

Link -
(Click Film Reviews)

Hollywood Film Review - There is something about Mary (1998)

Film : There is something about Mary (TSAM) Producer : Frank Beddir %u2022Director : Peter Farrelly %u2022Cast : Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillion, Ben Stiller, Lee Evans %u2022Rating : 3.5 on 5 Stars There is something about Mary (TSAM) %u2013 I know lot of critics will not agree with me, but I guess it is an over-rated movi

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hollywood Film Review – Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007)

• Movie : Alvin and the Chipmunks
• Producer : Janice Karman
• Director : Tim Hill
• Studio : 20th Century Fox
• Cast : Jason Lee, David Cross, Cameron Richardson, Justin Long
• Rating : 4.25 on 5 Stars

Alvin and the Chipmunks – What a cute movie! A sure treat for kids but I bet, grown-ups would also enjoy it thoroughly. So, go grab your disc.

Alvin and the Chipmunks is a movie about 3 baby Chipmunks i.e. Alvin, Theodore and Simon, who accidentally get transported from forest to Dave Seville’s (Jason Lee) house in the city. Interestingly the naughty trio can not only talk in human language but also sing. And their song numbers are really catchy.

It is a fun movie with a perfect blend of animation with human cast, some thing Hollywood does with a class. The idea of Chipmunks can sing in funny but the Director Tim Hill has managed the subject very well.

Jason Less is a part time song writer (his passion) who gets a career lift in his vocation with the un-wanted arrival of 3 Chipmunks in his house. Lee has done this role very well. Over all, Alvin and the Chipmunks is a nice and soft, fun-filled family movie. I am happy to rate it 4.25 on 5 stars.

Cheers !

Manish Jaswal

for (click Film Reviews)