Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hillary won – So, what is the big-deal?

So what, Hillary won yesterday in Pennsylvania, another battle ground state, despite all odds with margins defying Political Pundits?

She was to win, because she is ‘Clinton’ – a national leader who spent childhood at Penn State. She was to win big, say by whopping 30% margin but closed only at 10% margin in this huge state. Hmmm! What an argument?

Does it matter really that Hillary won, a State which is a true representative of America in terms of demographics? Does it matter to get only 215 thousand additional votes against rich and popular Barack Obama?

Well, if I have to report and write exactly in same stereo type fashion as being adopted by CNN or MSCNBC for last 90 days, then it does not matter. Hillary is still way behind, thus she should just quit because famous anchors of CNN / MSCNBC Wolf Blitzer (Situation Room) / Keith Olbermann (Countdown) says so. Have you seen their program of-late? Do find time to watch it. They and their guest will convince you why Hillary should quit on a yesterday basis as practically CNN and MSCNBC has become the quasi mouth-piece of Obama campaign.

But, I would like to change the course and attention on few facts on ground, which is true from day one, in this democratic primary race between Hillary R. Clinton and Barack Obama.

First thing first, a new comer in national politics, with no credible tested Senate or Service back-ground (other than Chicago), Mr Obama has done a terrific job. Go to any place in America, be it universities, mall, high-end restaurants or intellectual clubs, you will not miss the presence of Mr Obama in discussions. He is charismatic, he is great looking and he speaks well. Wow, we have a new messiah for all good things and hopes for America. This notion practically got reflected again by massive margin win at college and corporate crowd of Philadelphia vis-à-vis rest of the Penn State. Actually he managed to sweep over 100K votes alone in this city predominantly dominated by students, white collar and of course African Americans. Win is a win is a win – so what it is an elite win!

Hillary down on national polls, campaign contribution, media and super-delegate support, still managed to pull an impressive victory against many odds and exit polls. She proved once again, and particularly to all nay-Sayers (CNN / MSCNBC), that she understands American people and American politics. She proved the point, (like McCain -Republican nominee) that American Presidential race cant be won by throwing money or buying media or by clicking with only 1-2 groups (read African and white collar Americans) but by connecting with all i.e. Whites, Asians, Latinos, Jews, Catholics, Veterans, Immigrants and Masses.

We should not be worried with the final out-come of this race now or its impact on Democratic Party as now it is an even fight ahead. Let the best person win the nomination and serve the country.

However, I must highlight that, out of blue, surprisingly 3 set of people (working independently and without intention) deserve to be credited for her stunning victory yesterday besides Penn Governor Ed Rendell and Phil Mayor Michael Nutter. They are :

1. Sean Hannity (Hannity’s America) – Fox News
2. Lou Dobbs (Lau Dobbs tonight) – CNN
3. ABC sponsored primary debate on 16th April 2008

The above 3 actually pointed for the first time at different occasions in last 30 days that Mr Obama needs to be checked further before accepting his words and plans as Gospel Truths. For the first time in last 6 weeks, we saw a weak, human like politician as Mr Obama was not prepared to take the criticism and direct heat from media, critics and masses as Hillary or John McCain face every day.

It is surprising to see that international brands and balance news channels like CNN and MSCNBC are so against H.R. Clinton that some times you wonder what crime has she committed against these national channels, which refuse to find any virtues in her past and present work. Come on guys (Wolf B, Keith O, Anderson C), if like Fox news, you also hate your ex-president Mr Bill Clinton and cant stand him, then for heaven sake, for professional journalism, judge Hillary based on her achievement and delivery so far and not just because she is Mrs. Clinton. If America, the most progressive county in the world (with 55% population as women), is not ready for first Women President yet, then America should shop preaching about democracy across the world. Media should high-light this on a daily basis if they claim to be Free and Fare.

Before signing off, here are few questions that must be answered by all stake holders of Democratic Party:

1. Barak Obama has not won a single big State with diverse population base like New York, California, Florida, Texas, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. So, if he is chosen nominee then how could he ever compete with aggressive Republicans led by John McCain.
2. The Primary math is not in favor of Hillary Clinton. Every body knows it and talks about it. No Brainer there. So, the argument is that she should quit. But a larger strategic question is that even Mr Obama can’t get to the finish line at the end of the Primaries on his own. He will have to woo Super-delegates to achieve that. So, why this double-standard of one candidate quitting mid-way?
3. If the argument is that Super-delegates should not go against the will of people, then same argument holds true for delegates from battle-ground states to support Hillary, whole-heartedly and now as she is being the winner there.

In conclusion, I must acknowledge that indeed, it is a Big-Deal that Hillary Clinton won yesterday with convincing double digit margin at Pennsylvania. It was a Game-Changer.

Manish Jaiswal


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