Friday, November 7, 2008

HMO, POS and PPO Health Insurance Plans in America

News and Reviews: America is an advance country when it comes to Medicine, Diagnosis and Treatment. It is also very expensive country for paying any medical related costs. Unlike Europe (UK, France), Canada or India, virtually all Medical Costs is paid by you in America. President-elect Barack Obama raised the ante to bring about social change and universal health-care. Sounds very interesting and good but may not really see the light of the day. Approx 50 million Americans are not covered by any kind of Health Insurance, against the population of 300 million. It means, every 6th resident American is not covered. Sad but true. Comprehensive and varied Policies are underwritten by American Health Insurance Companies i.e. Aetna, Humana, Blue Cross, Guardian, HPA, CIGNA etc. and could be found for comparisan shopping at USA InsuranceMall. In our pursuit to make the world of American Health Insurance Simple, we divide the Coverage in 3 parts, which is a progressive order in terms of Types and Features.

1. HMO – Health Maintenance Organization Insurance Cover

2. PPO – Preferred Provider Organization Insurance Cover

3. POS – Point of Service Insurance Cover

There are 3 more options available, but may not fit for all American Citizens or Resident Americans:

4. Visitor Care Insurance – Visitors or staying in America but not Citizens

5. Short Term Health Insurance - Coverage between 1-6 months

6. Federal Employee Insurance – US Govt. Staff including Legislative, Judiciary and Executive Branch

For simplicity sake, we present the first 3 Insurance Plans as the cover majority Americans. Click to read on

There are three basic types of Managed Care Health Insurance Plans in America: (1) HMOs, (2) PPOs, and (3) POS plans.

A health maintenance organization (HMO) is a type of managed healthcare system. HMOs, and their close cousins, preferred provider organizations (PPOs), share the goal of reducing healthcare costs by focusing on preventative care and implementing utilization management controls. Unlike many traditional insurers, HMOs do not merely provide financing for medical care. The HMO actually delivers the treatment as well. Doctors, hospitals, and insurers all participate in the business arrangement known as an HMO.
HMOs provide medical treatment on a prepaid basis, which means that HMO members pay a fixed monthly fee, regardless of how much medical care is needed in a given month. In return for this fee, most HMOs provide a wide variety of medical services, from office visits to hospitalization and surgery. With a few exceptions, HMO members must receive their medical treatment from physicians and facilities within the HMO network. The size of this network varies depending on the individual HMO.
When you join an HMO, you choose a primary care physician (PCP) who is your first contact for all medical care needs. The primary care physician provides your general medical care and must be consulted before you can see a specialist. Because of this control system, HMO costs tend to increase less rapidly than other insurance plans.

With most types of insurance, you are responsible for paying a percentage of the bill every time you receive medical care. Additionally, there may be a deductible that must be met before insurance starts picking up the tab. In contrast, HMO members pay a fixed monthly fee, regardless of how much medical care is needed in a given month. Instead of deductibles, HMOs often have nominal co-payments.

By reducing out-of-pocket costs and paperwork, HMOs encourage members to seek medical treatment early, before health problems become severe. Additionally, many HMOs offer health education classes and discounted health club memberships.

Unlike most health insurance plans, HMOs generally do not place a limit on your lifetime benefits. The HMO will continue to cover your treatment as long as you are a member.

As an HMO member, you must choose a primary care physician (PCP). Your PCP provides your general medical care and must be consulted before you seek care from another physician or specialist. This screening process helps to reduce costs both for the HMO and for HMO members, but it can also lead to complications if your PCP doesn’t provide the referral you need.

Except for emergencies occurring outside the HMO’s treatment area, HMO members are required to obtain all treatment from HMO physicians. The HMO will not pay for non-emergency care provided by a non-HMO physician. Additionally, there may be a strict definition of what constitutes an emergency.

Like an HMO, a preferred provider organization (PPO) is a managed healthcare system. However, there are several important differences between HMOs and PPOs.
A PPO is actually a group of doctors and/or hospitals that provides medical service only to a specific group or association. The PPO may be sponsored by a particular insurance company, by one or more employers, or by some other type of organization. PPO physicians provide medical services to the policyholders, employees, or members of the sponsor(s) at discounted rates and may set up utilization control programs to help reduce the cost of medical care. In return, the sponsor(s) attempts to increase patient volume by creating an incentive for employees or policyholders to use the physicians and facilities within the PPO network.
Rather than prepaying for medical care, PPO members pay for services as they are rendered. The PPO sponsor (employer or insurance company) generally reimburses the member for the cost of the treatment, less any co-payment percentage. In some cases, the physician may submit the bill directly to the insurance company for payment. The insurer then pays the covered amount directly to the healthcare provider, and the member pays his or her co-payment amount. The price for each type of service is negotiated in advance by the healthcare providers and the PPO sponsor(s).

PPO members are not required to seek care from PPO physicians. However, there is generally strong financial incentive to do so. For example, members may receive 90% reimbursement for care obtained from network physicians but only 60% for non-network treatment. In order to avoid paying an additional 30% out of their own pockets, most PPO members choose to receive their healthcare within the PPO network.

Healthcare costs paid out of your own pocket (e.g., deductibles and co-payments) are limited. Typically, out-of-pocket costs for network care are limited to $1,200 for individuals and $2,100 for families. Out-of-pocket costs for non-network treatment are typically capped at $2,000 for individuals and $3,500 for families.

As mentioned previously, there is a strong financial incentive to use PPO network physicians. For example, members may receive 90% reimbursement for care obtained from network physicians but only 60% for treatment provided by non-network physicians. Thus, if your longtime family doctor is outside of the PPO network, you may choose to continue seeing her, but it will cost you more.

As a PPO member, you may have to fill out paperwork in order to be reimbursed for your medical treatment. Additionally, most PPOs have larger co-payment amounts than HMOs, and you may be required to meet a deductible.

A Point of Service (POS) plan is a type of managed healthcare system that combines characteristics of the HMO and the PPO. Like an HMO, you pay no deductible and usually only a minimal co-payment when you use a healthcare provider within your network. You also must choose a primary care physician who is responsible for all referrals within the POS network. If you choose to go outside the network for healthcare, POS coverage functions more like a PPO. You will likely be subject to a deductible (around $300 for an individual or $600 for a family), and your co-payment will be a substantial percentage of the physician’s charges (usually 30-40%).

POS coverage allows you to maximize your freedom of choice. Like a PPO, you can mix the types of care you receive. For example, your child could continue to see his pediatrician who is not in the network, while you receive the rest of your healthcare from network providers. This freedom of choice encourages you to use network providers but does not require it, as with HMO coverage.

As with HMO coverage, you pay only a nominal amount for network care. Usually, your co-payment is around $10 per treatment or office visit. Unlike HMO coverage, however, you always retain the right to seek care outside the network at a lower level of coverage.

When you choose to use network providers, there is generally no deductible. Thus, coverage begins from the first dollar you spend as long as you stay within the POS network of physicians.

If you choose to go outside the POS network for treatment, you are free to see any doctor or specialist you choose without first consulting your primary care physician (PCP). Of course, you will pay substantially more out-of-pocket charges for non-network care.

Healthcare costs paid out of your own pocket (i.e., deductibles and co-payments) are typically limited. The average yearly limit for individuals is around $2,400. For families, the average yearly limit is approximately $4,000.

As in a PPO, there is generally strong financial incentive to use POS network physicians. For example, your co-payment may be only $10 for care obtained from network physicians, but you could be responsible for up to 40% of the cost of treatment provided by non-network doctors. Thus, if your longtime family doctor is outside of the POS network, you may choose to continue seeing her, but it will cost you more.

In most cases, you must reach a specified deductible before coverage begins on out-of-network care. On average, individual deductibles are around $300 per year, and the average annual family deductible is about $600. This deductible amount is in addition to the co-payment for out-of-network care.

As in an HMO, you must choose a primary care physician (PCP). Your PCP provides your general medical care and must be consulted before you seek care from another doctor or specialist within the network. This screening process helps to reduce costs both for the POS and for POS members, but it can also lead to complications if your PCP doesn’t provide the referral you need.

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