Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hollywood Movie Review : Intimate Affairs (2007)

• Movie : Intimate Affairs
• Director : Alan Rudolph
• Producer : Nick Nolte
• Cast : Dermot Mulroney, Robin Tunney, Neve Campbell, Nick Nolte, Terrence Howard
• Rating : 1.5 on 5 Stars

“Intimate Affairs”, a Hollywood flick should be avoided at all cost. It is a complete waste of time. The movie is shot in a room, around Harvard University campus, with bunch of (pseudo) intellectuals discussing or better put, researching the true meaning of love and sex.

You wish & hope that the Director Alan Rudolph may change the topic, course or characters, but till the very end, you will be tortured with the same garbage of un-wanted talks.

The movie is about a scholar professor (Dermot MuLroney),obsessed to come out with a scientific (anecdotal data) evidence on the mysteries of Love and Sex.

Other than Dermot and Terrence Howard, no actors could be easily recognized in the movie “Intimate Affairs”. I wonder why Terrence Howard picked up this flick as his role is limited without an impact. Robin Tunney and Neve Campbell (The Steno Assistant) are also quite average in this movie.

Overall, I would rate this movie low 1.5 on 5 Stars.

MK Jaiswal

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